Tuesday 13 November 2007

Second Life

Second Life is an Internet-based virtual world launched in 2003, developed by Linden Research, Inc (Linden Lab), which came to international attention via mainstream news media in late 2006 and early 2007. A downloadable client program called the Second Life Viewer enables its users, called "Residents", to interact with each other through motional avatars, providing an advanced level of a social network service combined with general aspects of a metaverse. Residents can explore, meet other Residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, create and trade items (virtual property) and services from one another.

To the left is the map of Second Life as it currently stands. There is a small guide in km at the top so you can see the sheer size of this virtual world. It contains more than 9.8 million players and more are joining.

Second life has its own economy. It is the world's fastest growing economy, expanding up to 20% larger each month. The money system in game are Linden Dollars (L$). With the current exchange rate there are about 266 Linden Dollars to 1 US dollar. The game itself is free but Linden Labs make money by renting plots of land to players for a fee based on how large the land is; the larger the plot, the bigger the fee per month. These fees can range between $5 and $200 a month. Entire islands can be bought for the small price of $1675, and then $295 upkeep a month! Users can also attend auctions for plots of land. The in game auctions work much the same as real auctions.

Many companies have seized the opportunity to make money
from selling and thus promoting their products in Second Life. Reebok for example have set up shoe shops in Second Life for users to explore and buy blank shoes, which they can customize to their liking. The shoes are based on actual Reebok shoes which promote them and Reebok hope the players gain interest and buy the shoes in real life.

Even individual players are making a profit from Second
Life. Some people have even left their jobs to get a job on Second Life! These people are making enough money to actually sustain themselves and not need a real job. These people make money by creating objects ranging from small lamps to entire streets. They then sell the objects they make to players for Linden Dollars which they can exchange for actual cash.

An example of this is Ailin Graef. She uses Second Life with
the avatar of Anshe Chung. She made a record breaking 2 million US dollars in 30 months! She has used some of this money to support an orphaned boy in the Philippines.

As well as businesses and players, other groups have been making profit and jobs through Second Life. Rivers Run Red is a company started up to make objects for their clients in Second Life. They make money by taking requests from paying clients, making the object for them and giving it to them in game. They have few staff (less than 20) and are making an extremely large profit from the game.


Second Life Wonderland - Second Life's Dark Side

Second Life - An Introduction

Monday 12 November 2007

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is the term used to describe the second generation of the Internet. It is about interaction and social networking with websites and others around the globe. Being able to post your own content for others to see, downloading and viewing created content by others. Youtube, stage6, revver, veoh, blogger, wikipedia, forums and hundreds of other websites are examples of Web 2.0.

Advantages of Web 2.0
  • It can help to strengthen relationships. Able to socialise with your friends and family through instant messaging and social network sites when you are unable to see them in person.
  • Free thinking and freedom of speech. You can have your say or express your opinion on anything you choose and discuss your views with other people.
  • Sharing thoughts and ideas can help to develop your own ideas and see things from a new light.
  • Personalisation. Experience and get more from websites when you can customize them to your liking.
Disadvantages of Web 2.0

  • No policing. With the vast amount of information we do not have the man power to filter and police the content being uploaded.
  • Copyright theft. Sharing of copyright material is made much easier, with people uploading and downloading all the time. Companies lose money when people steal their material this way.
  • Fragmentation of Society. People staying in doors more often and sitting in front of a screen instead of going out with friends.
Web 2.0 on Youtube




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